WebI retried from scratch: new grass cache, new texgen, and new dyndolod. Everytime it seems like everything is going well, but theres still no grass lods in-game. The new dyndolod output is ~2.5GB, less than half the size of my old dyndolod output that had the grass lods works at ~6GB. I kept the old output to verify the grass lods are working. WebIn config file set the following options UseGrassCache = True ExtendGrassDistance = True OnlyLoadFromCache = True For other users (not MO2): 2. Create a new empty text file in Skyrim root folder (same place where SkyrimSE.exe is), the file name to create is PrecacheGrass.txt 3.
SkyrimSE:Grass LOD Guide - Step Mods Change The Game
WebI generated my grass cache, but DynDOLOD doesn't seem to recognize it. The cache is sitting in the folder data/grass as a ton of loose files. I converted a copy of the files from cgid to gid per the instructions on Grass Cache fixes. I archived both the cgid and gid versions and imported them into Vortex as mods and activated them. WebDec 28, 2024 · Step 1: Backup your grass cache. In case you screw up, you don't want to have to redo your grass cache, as that's painful. Step 2: Change the file extension of … small space couch sleepers
Workaorund or subsitiute for Grass Cache? : r/skyrimmods - reddit
WebMar 6, 2024 · The game has shipped with a bad pregenerated grass cache within Skyrim - Misc.bsa since Oldrim was released. In Oldrim, using it caused the infamous floating grass bug. In SSE, using them causes extreme graphical glitches, as illustrated in the included screenshots on the page. WebNot every grass mod can be precached that easily, been there done that. With some cases NIF files for object (grass in this case) needs to be modified or they will cause root block errors when generating dyndo. When this happens it is no longer only about owning, modding SE to match VR and precaching with simple click. WebJan 15, 2024 · When you run NGIO it's just running SkyrimSE and telling it to generate the grass files so SKSE and all other extenders should be for SkyrimSE 1.5.97 when you generate the grass cache. Once all the grass cache is generated, you can switch everything back to the SkyrimSE 1.6 versions. small space craft area